The advisory board: Introducing
Our senior advisory board including Albrecht Binder, Dr. Jean-Claude Camredon, Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Kleditzsch, Dr. med. Marcus Netzel, Dr. med. dent. Louis Niestegge, Prof. Dr. Alexej Rozanov, Dr. med. dent. Olaf Schmidt, Irmgard Schneckenaichner, Eric van Schijndel, Prof. Dr. med. dent. Gerd Volland and Dr. Johannes Wilkens is a team of qualified physicians, pharmacists, non-medical practitioners and scientists who we partnered with and who we will permanently optimize the PROGNOS®-System and implement a multitude of innovations in the product, software and service sector with.
Prof. Dr. Alexej Rosanov
development of PROGNOS®,
Albrecht Binder
nutrition counseling,
complementary medicine,
geriatric pharmacy
Dr. Jean-Claude Camredon
natural medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Kleditzsch
physical medicine and rehabilitation,
chiropractic medicine
Dr. med. Marcus Netzel
general medicine,
TCM specialist
Dr. med. dent. Louis Niestegge
alternative practitioner
Dr. med. Johannes Wilkens
deneral medicine,
Dr. med. dent. Olaf Schmidt
alternative practitioner
Irmgard Schneckenaichner
alternative practitioner,
Eric van Schijndel
alternative practitioner,
TCM specialist
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Gerd Volland
oral surgery,